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Áý) À¯¸íÀÎÀÇ Áý - CherÀÇ Malibu Villa
14.--.0.175 2013-6-10 (06:03:17)
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Cher commissioned designer and longtime friend Ron Wilson to decorate an Italian Renaissance–style residence in Malibu. ¡°I¡¯m comfortable here,¡± says the singer-actress. ¡°This house . . . this house wraps its arms around me. A late-19th-century painting depicting Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, an antique bronze and a Gothic Revival settle are in the area where the entrance hall meets the lower stair landing. The walls, floors and staircase, with an iron balustrade, are stone.

¡°All of the art¡±—including the circa 1880 oil found in Europe that hangs in the living room—¡°was of special interest to Cher,¡± says Wilson. ¡°She was responsible for purchasing most of it herself.¡± The chair, sofa, stool, and bench fabrics were designed by Wilson.

In the living room is a Gothic Revival stone mantelpiece that was carved in Mexico. ¡°The house is light,¡± says Cher. ¡°Its walls are light. I don¡¯t have a dark wall in the house.¡± Soft velvets and an inlaid- wood low table underscore the interior¡¯s muted palette.
English bronze chandeliers hang from the dining room¡¯s stamped-copper ceiling. Gothic Revival chairs, bought in London, surround a table dressed in silk taffeta and topped with orchids, candlelit centerpieces, and white china with gold trim.

A painting of Mary with Christ is above the bed in the master suite. The large brass trunk at the foot of the bed, which is elevated on a stone platform, holds a television.

From the loggia is a view of the infinity-edge pool, which seemingly overflows into the Pacific Ocean. An Egyptian sculpture rests on a woven-reed low table. Standing bronze oil lamps are beneath arches supported by columns with vines carved in relief.

¡°The infinity-edge pool is where I spend all of my time in the summer,¡± says Cher. ¡°She¡¯s above the beach—a mile from the water,¡± adds Wilson. ¡°Her great love is Malibu.¡± A low carved marble balustrade defines the outside dining area and grants access to the blue-mosaic-tiled pool.

The rear façade overlooks an infinity-edge pool.

¡°The entire project was a collaboration between Cher and me,¡± says Wilson. ¡°She was totally involved with the landscape design—which is unbelievable. She¡¯s very gifted.¡± Seen here is the gated entrance, and a spacious courtyard beyond, from the private driveway.

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