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Áý) °¡Á¤ÁýÀº ¾Æ´Ï°í °³³äÀÖ´Â ¹è¿ì Ben Stiller°¡ Haiti¿¡ Áö¾îÁØ Çб³
14.--.0.175 2013-6-10 (06:08:32)
Ben Stiller°¡ ÁÁÀº ÀÏ Çϳ׿ä...

In the wake of the 2010 earthquake, Stiller furthered his philanthropic efforts by establishing the Stiller Foundation, with the goal of assisting children worldwide. The organization began the Haitian School Initiative to rebuild crippled institutions and their communities. In partnership with Architecture for Humanity, the program helped resurrect two badly damaged facilities—the École la Dignité in Cayes de Jacmel and the Collège Mixte le Bon Berger in Montrouis—and is currently working on the École Baptiste Bon Berger in Port-au-Prince.

Stiller¡¯s organization has also teamed with the Digicel Foundation, the charitable arm of the Caribbean mobile-phone company, to create eight new school buildings (four have been completed so far). The scope of the work is extensive, from earthquake-resistant structural design to water-catchment systems. As with the other efforts, local workers are employed for the construction, and the edifices incorporate bright colors that embody a message of hope.

¡°Connecting with people is the most satisfying aspect of this work,¡± Stiller says. ¡°The task can seem daunting, but when you see the effect even a little effort produces, it becomes incredibly energizing.¡±

(The École la Dignité in Cayes de Jacmel. Photo: Gerry Reilly)
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