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2010-02-01 pm 10:21:00
Please write a letter

Dear Sir or Madam

I'm writing this letter in regards to the demand for payment dated January X, 2010. I would like to request additional information regarding the debt before I make the payment. Please provide me with additional information regarding

1) Exact amount of the debt
2) Date incurred
3) Nature of the debt incurred.

I would be more than happy to settle the debt once I obtain this information.


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2010-02-01 pm 11:04:00
Ç×»ó ÆíÁö·ÎÇϼ¼¿ä....±×¸®°í, ÀüÈ­°¡ °è¼Ó¿Ã°ÍÀε¥, Á¶±×¸¸ ³ìÀ½±â À常Çؼ­, ´Ù ³ìÀ½Çصμ¼¿ä...
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