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2012-11-06 pm 9:06:00
I was diagnosed of uterine leiomyoma 8 years ago. I was followed up by an OBGYN doctor.
5 years ago, they found a mass? and got taken out with laser.
Right after that surgery I got pregnant and had a miscarriage at 6 weeks.
We tried having a baby only to fail.
Last year, I had menorrhagia and a lot of pain and had a laparoscopic surgery to remove 4 myomas.
They are around 5 inches, 3 inches, 1 inch and a half inch in size.

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2012-11-06 pm 9:53:00
8 years ago, I was diagnosed of uterine myoma in Korea. However, doctor did not think the location of myoma was dangerous and recommended to monitor the myoma without doing any operation.

5 years ago, we discovered few more myomas in the uterus beside the one we diagnosed 8 years ago. These newly found myomas were located in the uterine lining where implantation usually occurs during gestation. We did not do anything about all of these myomas.

But I started having abnormal bleeding in chunks after additional 2 years. At that point, I visited hospital in Korea and was diagnosed the one myoma that existed in uterine lining grew additional 3 cm and caused the abnormal bleeding. The doctor performed laser surgery by inserting a surgical tool into my uterus through my vagina. At this time the doctor only removed the one that was causing the abnormal bleeding and left the other myomas untouched.

After this laser operation, I've got pregnant, but had miscarriage after 6 weeks into gestation. Since the miscarriage, we've tried to get pregnant for 2 years, but did not succeed. My period started to have heavy bleeding with chunks of blood, and I could feel the myomas over my abdomen with unbearable pain as if I had big lumps. So February of this year, I went to Korea and had a laparoscopic surgery done. At this time, they removed 4 uterine myomas. They were 12cm, 8cm, 3cm and 1cm.

Hope this helps....
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