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2012-11-07 am 7:43:00
000 feels bad, he won't be able to be school. ±×³É ÀÌ·¸°Ô ÇÏ½Ã¸é µÉ°Í°°Àºµ¥¿ä.Áõ¼¼±îÁø ¸» ¾È¼Åµµ µË´Ï´Ù.
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* º»ÀÎÀÌ »èÁ¦Ç߰ųª °ü¸®ÀÚ¿¡ ÀÇÇØ »èÁ¦µÈ ±ÛÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
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2012-11-07 am 8:08:00
She is stuffing from headach, coughing. She feels too bad, so she doesn't want to go to school. I'm going to take her to the doctor's office today. Send her back to school when she gets better.
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2012-11-07 am 8:23:00
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