1  ***
2013-01-30 pm 1:43:00
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2013-01-30 pm 2:03:00
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2  ***
2013-01-30 pm 2:03:00
Åؽº º¸°í ÇÏ¼Å¾ß Çϴµ¥... ¾Æ±î ½Å¹® ±â»ç¸¦ º¸´Ï...
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2013-01-30 pm 2:07:00
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3  ***
2013-01-30 pm 3:49:00
How much did you pay for your kid's tuition? Where did you find $1694? In box 1 or box 5?
You might get education tax credit so check carefully and redo your returns.
If the amount in box 1 is more than the amount in box 5 and your modified adjusted gross income is less than $160,000, you will get education tax credit of maximum $2,500.
2013-01-30 pm 4:04:00
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4  ***
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5  ***
2013-01-30 pm 7:37:00
If you didn't pay any college tuition, then there's no tax credit and your husband doesn't need to change his income tax return. $1694 is not taxable if your kid used that money as tuition payment. If your son doesn't have any other income from work, he doesn't need to file his own tax return either.
You, or your son doesn't need to do anything.
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