1  ***
2014-11-15 pm 12:54:00
Ϸ γ 5 ķδ ݽ. . ٵ Դ° Ȯ ٿ ؿ.
2  ***
2014-11-15 pm 12:56:00
⼭  , Ļ緮 ̰, ߰, ް , ̹ ݾ, Ϸ翡 1 30о, 3; ð, 2ָ 20Ŀ ϼ̴ٳ׿... ϴµ, ϰڴ󱸿. λ ̿ ˷ . ٽ ˻Ͻø ǰſ.
3  ***
2014-11-15 pm 1:01:00
۴ ̵ ߿ϱ...̰ ɷ ׷ Ⱥ󱸿...
̾Ʈϴ ƮŴϽƮ Ĵ ޾Ƽ Դ ͵ ȿ̿...
60̽ŵ ǰ 컩 ȴٰ ׷
Ĵ ޾Ƽ ̾...ϰų ų Ÿε óϰ...
ϸ鼭 Ͻô... ̾...
ħ Ŀ(÷ ϴٰ ϴ󱸿...)
ɿ ߰ ...̰ Ϸ ô α...
 ϸ ȵȴٰ ϴ󱸿...
޸ ٸ Ǿ Ÿô󱸿... ϼ!!!
2014-11-15 pm 1:04:00
50 ʹ  Ⱦϰ ȱ⸸ ѽð ؿ....Ĵ ּ
4  ***
2014-11-15 pm 1:19:00
5  ***
2014-11-15 pm 2:16:00
7ϰ 濬 ̾Ʈ α׷

̾Ʈ ܰ յΰ ϰ ϱ Ǿ Խϴ.
̾Ʈ մϴ. ü Ҽ ϰ ľ ϴ. ̾Ʈ ϰ ִ Դ Դϴ. z ˴ϴ. ü پϴ.

: 1
: 3
Ǹ : 1
: 1/2
ϼ 丶 () : 1ĵ
߰ : 1/3 ~ݺ

# ұ, īĿ ȣ ÷Ͽ  ϴ.

# ä Ա ũ ߶ , 丶 Բ Ŀٶ ֽϴ.
# ᰡ ְ 10а Դϴ. ä ε巴 ɶ մϴ.

ؼ ȵǴ
# ȵ˴ϴ :
# ̴ٸ 24ð ٽ ̾Ʈ α׷ ֽʽÿ.
# ź(̾Ʈ ݶ ) ø ȵ˴ϴ. ִ , , ̷ᰡ 꽺, Դϴ.
# ⸧ , , а ȵ˴ϴ. , ̷ᵵ .
# ̾Ʈ ⸦ ϴ 䱸˴ϴٸ, ų ߰( ) ϴ. ſ ϴ.

# 1 #
(ٳ ) Դ Դϴ.
̳ ̷ᰡ  꽺 ּ
# 2 #
ä Դϴ. 鶧 ٸ ä ־ Ծ ϴ.
ä ̳ ͳ ⸧ .
ǵ̸ ûä ּ.
Ʈ ּ.

# 3 #
ù° ι° ĺ̼Դϴ.
, , ä ԰ ŭ Ծ ϴ.
3ϰ Ű ϼ̴ٸ ̹ 2~3ųα׷ Ǿ Դϴ.

# 4 #
ٳ Դϴ.Ѥ
Ծ ϴ.
ϸ Ŀٶ 3 ٳ 500cc, ׸ ǵ ּ.

# 5 #
Ұ 丶 Դϴ.
350700g (Ǵ ߰, Ǵ ) ū 丶並 ȵ˴ϴ.
68 ּ. ѹ Ծּ.

# 6 #
Ұ ä Դϴ. 2~3 ũ Ծּ.
ѹ Ծּ.

# 7 #
̹, ä, ̷ᰡ 꽺 Դϴ.
԰ ŭ Ծּ. 1 Ծּ.

ô ߴٸ 5~8ųα׷ pȿ Ұ?
̻ ϰ ̾Ʈ 簳ϱ ּ 2 Ͽֽʽÿ.
7ϰ ̾Ʈ ص մϴ. ׸ ̾Ʈ ü Ҽ ϴ ȿ ֽϴ.

6  ***
2014-11-15 pm 2:44:00
Try the Danish Diet. You'll lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Very hard to do it but worth it.

Day 1: breakfast: 1 cup of coffee + 1 cube sugar
lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs + boiled spinach + 1 tomato
dinner: 200 gr. (7 oz) beef steak + lettuce salad with oil and lemon juice
Day 2: breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar
lunch 1/2 can of ham + 1 serving natural yogurt
diner 200 gr. (7 oz) beef steak + lettuce salad with oil and lemon juice
Day 3 breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar + 1 slice toasted bread
lunch 2 hard boiled eggs + 1 slice of ham + lettuce salad
diner boiled celeriac + 1 tomato + 1 fresh fruit
Day 4 breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar + 1 slice toasted bread
lunch 2 dl. orange juice + 1 serving natural yogurt
diner 1 hard boiled egg + 1 large grated carrot + 1 pot cottage cheese
Day 5 breakfast 1 large grated carrot w/ lemon juice
lunch 200 g (7 oz) boiled cod w/ lemon juice + 1 teaspoon butter
diner 200 g (7 oz) beef steak + lettuce salad and fresh celeriac
Day 6 breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar + 1 slice toasted bread
lunch 2 hard boiled eggs + 1 large grated carrot
diner 1/2 chicken + lettuce salad with oil and lemon juice
Day 7 breakfast 1 cup tea, no sugar
lunch NOTHING (drink plenty of water, it helps...)
diner 200 g (7 oz) lamb cutlet + 1 apple
Day 8 breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar
lunch 2 hard boiled eggs + boiled spinach + 1 tomato
diner 200 g (7 oz) beef steak + lettuce salad with oil and lemon juice
Day 9 breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar
lunch 1/2 can of ham + 1 natural yogurt
diner 200 g (7 oz) beef steak + lettuce salad with oil and lemon juice
Day 10 breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar + 1 slice toasted bread
lunch 2 hard boiled eggs + 1/2 can of ham + lettuce salad with lemon juice
diner boiled celeriac + 1 tomato + 1 fresh fruit
Day 11 breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar + 1 slice toasted bread
lunch 2 dl. orange juice + 1 serving natural yogurt
diner 1 hard boiled egg + 1 large grated carrot + 1 pot of cottage cheese
Day 12 breakfast 1 large grated carrot w/ lemon juice
lunch 200 g (7 oz) boiled cod with lemon juice + 1 teaspoon butter
diner 200 g (7 oz) beef steak + lettuce salad with fresh celeriac
Day 13 breakfast 1 cup coffee + 1 cube sugar + 1 slice toasted bread
lunch 2 hard boiled eggs + 1 large grated carrot w/ lemon juice
diner 250 g (8,8 oz) chicken + lettuce salad w/ oil & lemon juice
(1~7 / 7) [ Դϴ.] ΰħ