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2005-11-16 am 7:14:00
½º¹Ì½î´Ï¾ðÀº ¾Æ¹«³ª ´Ù µé¾î°©´Ï´Ù. ¹°·Ð ¾Ö±â´Â ´ëȯ¿µÀÌÁÒ.^^
Thanksgiving¿¡ ¹® ´Ý´ÂÁö´Â Àß ¸ð¸£°Ú³×¿ä. ¹öÁö´Ï¾Æ 14³â »ì¾Ò¾îµµ...¤»¤»
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¿¬¶ôÁÖ¼¼¿ä~~ 703.208.0565 Ellen LimÀ» ãÀ¸½Ã¸é µÅ¿ä.
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2005-11-16 am 7:56:00
¿À¿ì.. ´Ô.. ¿ì¸® Ä£ÇÏ°Ô Áö³»¿ä..^^
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2005-11-17 am 4:28:00
¿À 1´Ô °¨»çÇØ¿ä. ÀúµÎ~Ä£ÇÏ°Ô Áö³»¿ä.^^ 4»ì Â¥¸® µþ!! Àλý¼±¹è½Ã°Ú´Ù.. °í¸¶¿ö¿ä. ¾Öµ¥¸®°í °¡ºÁ¾ß °Ú³×¿ä. ¹Ù»Ú½ÇÁö ¸ô¶ó¼­ ÀüÈ­¸¦ ¾ðÁ¦ ÇؾßÇÒÁö ¸ð¸£°Ú³×¿ä. ÀúÇÑÅ׵Π½Ã°£³ª½É ÀüÈ­ÁÖ¼¼¿ä~^0^ 703-975-8655, ¸ÞÀÏÁֽôø°¡¿ä. okjieun@hotmail.com
¿Í.. ÁÖÂ÷ ´Ô´ö¿¡ Àß Çسõ±¸ °¡¹È ÁøÂ¥ ÁÁ°Ú³×¿ä!!!½Å³ª¶ó!!!.
4  ***
2005-11-18 am 9:43:00
Àú´Â Thanksgiving ¿¡ ¿ö½ÌÅÏ ³î·¯ °¡´Âµ¥¿ä. À¥»çÀÌÆ® º¸´Ï±î Àϳ࿡ ÇÏ·ç ¹®´Ý´Â´ä´Ï´Ù. (Å©¸®½º¸¶½º).
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2005-11-19 am 3:41:00
³×.. ÀúµÎ ºÃ³×¿ä. °í¸¶¿ö¿ä
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2005-12-06 pm 8:29:00
¹öÁö´Ï¾Æ¿¡¼­ 10³âÀÌ»ó »ì´Ù°¡ Áö±ÝÀº ¿ÀÇÏÀÌ¿À¿¡ »ð´Ï´Ù.. ¹öÁö´Ï¾Æ ¿Í½ÌÅæµð½Ã..¾ó¸¶³ª °¥°÷ ¸¹Àºµ¥¿ä.. ±×¸®±¸ ¹Ú¹°°ü, µ¿¹°¿ø ÀÌ·±µ¥ ²ÇÂ¥Àε¥ ¸¹Áö ¾Ê¾Æ¿ä. ¿Í½ÌÅæµð½Ã´Â ¸ù¶¥ ²ÇÂ¥´Ï ¾ó¸¶³ª ÁÁÀºµ¥¿ä.. ..¿ï¾Æµéµµ 4»ìÀε¥.. °°À̳î¸é ÁÁ°Ú±¸¸¸..Àü ÀÌ»ç¿Í¼­ Àϳ⿡ 4¹ø¸¸ ¹öÁö³Ä °©´Ï´Ù..¾Æ½±³×¿ä.. ÁÒÁöŸ¿î, ¿ÃŸ¿î ²ËÀⱸ Àִµ¥ ³»°¡..^^ Âü..ÀÚ¿¬»ç ¹Ú¹°°ü¿£ ¹ÚÀ絿¹°ÀÌ ¸¹¾Æ ¾ÖµéÀÌ ÁÁ¾ÆÇϱ¸..ƯÈ÷ 1Ãþ¿¡ ¸Ô´Âµ¥°¡ ÁøÂ¥ ÀßµÇ ÀÖ¾î¿ä..^^
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2006-01-01 am 12:26:00
We used to live in NW DC where Rockcreek park and woodley zoo was. I used to walk to the zoo with my kids and they always loved it. If you want to meet moms around the neighborhood and get some info on playdates etc, go to google and search DC Urban mom. When I first joined it, we had about 20 members. Now I've heard that they have over 5000 members. You will find the good stuff in there.
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2006-01-02 am 3:26:00
I used to live in Manhattan, New York City. I did not have any pressure to pay for the museum, any antique hoiuse etc.
In California, I have to call and find out how much they charge for this and that when I want to go someplace, because this side of America is not civilized enough to provide anything free.
Even they charge $5.00 for touring a strange looking house in Atwater ( this area is old and have many early 1900's houses.
The only place in this city, the Getty Musium is free to get in.
But parking is $7.00/day.
I wish I can go back to the east coast.
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